Here's a little insight into my life...

Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Amazing Spiderman 2 - my electric web of loves and hates

Okay so I'm hoping that the dreadful title which was wholly unamusing and not in the slightest bit witty, grabbed your attention because this is my filmtalk for the new spiderman film that I pray you take a few minutes of your time to observe, will be electrifying...

So I'll get the ball rolling by just fangirling over Andrew Garfield for a bit. What a guy. His acting for this role was absolutely effortless, he gets the geeky-hot-emotionally damaged-outgoing character to a T, literally felt this spiderman was so much better played than Toby Maguire, even though he put his own spin on it, I always saw him ACTING spiderman whereas Garfield just IS spiderman, if that makes any sense at all?

I love the chemistry between Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield, I know the couple are/were/haven't researched it lately, a relationship in real life, and this transferred onto the screen effortlessly. I was crying when they broke up for gods sake and it wasn't even that sad!

Dane DeHaan (the guy who played Harry Osborn) was an interesting casting. At first I wasn't sure about him, I thought his acting was quite rigid and forced but then as the film progressed I feel he grew into his character and then all that awkwardness began to work for him and ultimately brought the Green Goblin to life!

Jamie Fox was equally awesome, but I think that he was pretty much guaranteed to be amazing anyway..

I know so far it sounds like the best thing about the movie was the actors/actresses and that's because it was, I couldn't ever imagine or put together a better cast and I don't say that often!

Now the niggly bits about the movie... 

I'm not sure I liked how the green goblin was thrown in right towards the end, I know that he's a massive character in the series but I would have liked to have seen some more character development of Harry before he turned into the villain, now all we'll see him as is the green goblin and this will take up the whole of the next movie!

Also, it all got a bit confusing at times. I didn't really understand Peter's fathers experiments and why only his bloodline could be infected with the spider venom! I like this adaptation more than the first mainly because they go into the science behind spiderman's condition a lot more but I wish this was better explained, but regardless, it was nothing a quick google didn't clear up for me!

Now for the big spoiler, if you haven't watched the film then stop reading!

Gwen Stacey's death was literally heartbreaking, I have not cried that much over a film in a while! I'm not entirely sure it was necessary, I know Mary-Jane is a big part of the series and will probably replace Gwen but I don't think Andrew Garfield will get the same chemistry with any other actress and so any new relationship will just seem to me superficial! I saw her death coming, the second he mentioned he would follow her to Oxford, I knew she would get killed off, the actual scene broke my heart nonetheless.

Overall, I prefer this adaptation of spiderman to the first and admittedly this is kinda controversial as it does just seem like Hollywood is trying to make more money but so far I've been impressed and don't think the remake has done at all as badly as I first thought it would. 

Much love homies x

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Divergent - Film review

Seeing this film was one of the best £4.30 I have ever spent, and did not even deserve an orange wednesday visit, I would have paid full price, VIP and even for the bloody popcorn to see this film, and if I wasn't a student, I'd treat my whole family to a trip to the IMAX or something, such a successful adaptation.

I had my speculations about this film after watching the trailer, I do not think Shailene Woodley came across as Tris Prior in the trailer and I honestly thought Four (Tobias Eaton) was going to be one of those brooding love interests who I don't believe comes across as desirable at all. This is possibly my favourite book of all time (NOTE: not trilogy), so obviously I am very protective over it so was reluctant in some ways to see the film, but I am so glad I did!

The first thing that struck me was the way they did not shy away from any of the brutality in the fight scenes and Eric was just as cruel as I hoped he would be. The casting was actually perfect, I couldn't tell that half the actors were English (though Marcus may as well as just have been made Irish because there was no masking that accent) and no one made me cringe into my seat the way some actors do who act in Young Adult movies like this.

The film was well explained, even for viewers who may not have read the book, I feel would have been able to understand it, the Dauntless compound was just as I pictured it to be and the film ran at a good pace; no parts were rushed and nor do I think any were dragged out, the right scenes were cut and the screenplay was just right.

Now lets talk about Theo James. I was devastated when he was cast, I know I was being waaaay over-dramatic which I have a large tendency to do but I did not like him, did not think he would fit the part and did not admire any of his other work. It's safe to say that's changed now, do I think someone else should have played Four? Yes, don't ask me who but I still feel there was something just missing from Theo that I can't really explain but his casting wasn't a disaster. He has a good acting ability and is very easy on the eye, I believed there was chemistry between him and Shailene and honestly think there is more to come for him in the future, he's like a new Rupert Grint, massively underrated but no one can deny he has talent.

The only thing I would have liked to have seen was a more dramatic transformation from Tris, I noticed that she was wearing pretty heavy eye make-up whilst she was in Abegnation which I didn't think was accurate and I would have liked to have seen the scene where she chooses out some new Dauntless clothes and wears make-up for the first time, would have signposted her character's development nicely!

I have heard a lot of controversy about the 'intimacy scene' in Tris' fear landscape. I've heard it comes across that she is afraid of rape and after watching the film I understand why it's been interpreted in that way. I feel the director crossed the line between force and submission, it does look like Four is trying to force Tris to have sex with him even though that's not exactly what happens in the book. I don't think the director knew it would come across in this way so I don't blame him, but what do you guys think? Do you think it's a completely inappropriate addition to the film?

Nevertheless, I believe all other aspects were perfect. I was so happy when almost every song was by Ellie Goulding because she is literally my idol and the kissing scene was made that much better by her haunting voice. 

I would recommend anyone reading this goes to see it and I hope I haven't given too much away!

Over and out x